To test the lower diode,which is connected to VSS,use the PMU to force a negative current of approximately-100μA.Set the lower test limit of the PMU to fail if the measured result is less than-1.5V to detect an open .
Set the upper PMU limit to fail if the measured result is greater than -0.2V to detect a short. This test method is used to test signal pins (inputs an outputs) but not power pins such as VDD or VSS.
Power and ground pins may also be tested for an open condition, but their structure is different from that of a signal pin. Test the power pins, observe the measured value on a good device, and set the test limits accordingly.
To test the upper diode, which is connected to VDD, use the PMU to force a positive current of approximately+100μA. Set the upper test limit of the PMU to fail if the measured result is greater than 1.5V to detected an open .
Set the lower PMU limit to fail if the measured result is less than 0.2V to detect a short. This test method is used to test signal pins (inputs and outputs) but not power pins such as VDD or VSS.