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Discrete Semiconductors
Discrete semiconductor products are electronic components with just one circuit element, either passive (resistor, capacitor, inductor) or active (transistor or vacuum tube), other than integrated circuits.
Several discrete semiconductor devices are combined to form a discrete circuit. Such discrete circuits are different from integrated circuits and hybrid circuits, which are built from several circuit elements in one package.
The typical discrete semiconductor products include transistors, diodes, TRIACs, LED.
Jotrin as a supplier of electronic parts, selling many types of Discrete semiconductor. brand Discrete semiconductor manufacturers including Infineon, Littelfuse, Nexperia, ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Vishay.
Jotrin offers stock, pricing,datasheets for Discrete semiconductor. To know more, Please view our selection of Discrete semiconductor below.
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メーカー: MIC
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 2449457
P-Channel MOSFET, 2 (State) A, 2.5 (Steady) A, 20 V, 3-Pin SOT-323 Diodes Inc
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 127593
DIODE, SCHOTTKY, SOT-23; Diode Type: Schottky; Voltage, Vrrm: 30V; Current, If AV: 300mA; Time, trr Typ: 5ns; Voltage...
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 311000
SBRT5A50SA Series 50 V 5 A SMT Trench Super Barrier Rectifier - SMA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 22520
Diode Super Barrier Rectifier 50V 15A Automotive 3-Pin(3+Tab) PowerDI 5 T/R
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 12455
SBRT10U50SP5 Series 50 V 10 A SMT Trench Super Barrier Rectifier - POWERDI5
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 12003
Diode Super Barrier Rectifier 60V 2A Automotive 2-Pin SOD-123F T/R
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 24000