Discrete Semiconductor Modules
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Brand Discrete Semiconductor Modules manufacturers including ON Semiconductor,STMicroelectronics etc.
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メーカー: DELTA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 100
Diode Bridges with BC; Package: AG-ECONO2-1; VDRM/ VRRM V: 1,600.0 V; IFSM max: 550.0 A; Configuration: 3 phase bridge rectifier uncontrolled with brake chopper ; Housing: EconoBRIDGE™ ;
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 200
Diode Bridges with BC; Package: AG-ECONO2-1; VDRM/ VRRM V: 1,600.0 V; IFSM max: 550.0 A; Configuration: 3 phase bridge rectifier uncontrolled with brake chopper ; Housing: EconoBRIDGE ;
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 100
Diode Bridges; Package: AG-ISOPACK-2; VDRM/ VRRM (V): 1,600.0 V; IFSM (max): 1,850.0 A; Configuration: 3 phase bridge rectifier uncontrolled; Housing: IsoPACK™;,Discrete Semiconductor Modules 1600V 215A UN-CNTL
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 1826
SCR module,Discrete Semiconductor Modules 1200V 205A UN-CNTL
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 200
Diode Bridges; Package: AG-ECONO2-1; VDRM/ VRRM V: 1,600.0 V; IFSM max: 1,000.0 A; Configuration: 3 phase bridge rectifier uncontrolled; Housing: EconoBRIDGE;
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 100
Diode Bridges with BC and NTC (AC-Switches up to 1600V); Package: AG-ECONO2-1; VDRM/ VRRM (V): 1,600.0 V; IFSM (max): 550.0 A; Housing: EconoBRIDGE™; Configuration: Diode Bridge with Break Chopper and NTC ;,Discrete Semiconductor Modules 1600V 134A UN-CNTL
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
最小数 : 1 在庫 : 100