RTL8723BU Bluetooth wifi two-in-one module specification
公開時間: 2018-12-10 サイズ: 1428 Kb フォーマット: PDF ダウンロード: 313
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Download RTL8723BU Bluetooth wifi two-in-one module specification at Jotrin Electronics.For more help, please contact the technical team.
RTL8723BU is a highly integrated single-chip 802.11n Wireless LAN (WLAN) USB 2.0 Multi-Function network interface controller with integrated Bluetooth 2.1/3.0/4.0 controller.
It combines a WLAN MAC, a 1T1R capable WLAN baseband, and RF in s single chip. The RTL8723BU provides a complete solution for a high-performance integrated wireless and Bluetooth device.
The integration provides better coordination between 802.11 and Bluetooth, and with sophisticated dynamic power control and packet traffic arbitration, RTL8723BU is able to provide the best coexistence performance.