RTL8188ETV with I-PEX Seat Module Specification
公開時間: 2018-12-10 サイズ: 880 Kb フォーマット: PDF ダウンロード: 210
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Download RTL8188ETV with I-PEX Seat Module (RL-UM12BTDC-8188ETV) Specification at Jotrin Electronics.For more help, please contact the technical team.
UM12BTDC is a WLAN 11n USB module, which fully supports the features and Functional compliance of IEEE 802.11n,e and i standards. It supports up to 150Mbps high-speed wireless network connections.
It is designed to provide excellent performance with low power Consumption and enhance the advantages of robust system and cost-effective.
It is targeted at competitive superior performance, better power Management applications.